Be Prepared For Your Loan
A Loan Originator takes the consumer’s application and collects the items needed for review. Here is a list of items a consumer should be prepared to submit to their Loan Originator:
A Loan Originator takes the consumer’s application and collects the items needed for review. Here is a list of items a consumer should be prepared to submit to their Loan Originator:
The BluPrint team is ready to help you get started.
Let’s take the first step.
BluPrint Home Loans is a Division of NFM, Inc. dba NFM Lending, NFM NMLS #2893. NFM is an Equal Housing Lender. Some products and services may not be available in all states. Licensing and disclosure information can be found at
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Privacy Policy: Terms and conditions apply. This is not a loan commitment. All information must be verified prior to loan approval.
Want To See If You Can Save Money By Refinancing?
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Privacy Policy: Terms and conditions apply. This is not a loan commitment. All information must be verified prior to loan approval.
We will review your information and follow up with you shortly for a personalized consultation.